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An Introduction of Sorts…

A brief, yet semi-conclusive, outlook on what I hope for this to achieve in the future — be it millennia from now or just a few days.

I am rather opinionated, as are most people.  The difference is that I can talk about anything, explain anything(or try!), or even argue for anything.  No matter the situation, I try to see from other perspectives and come forth with what I feel to be a fair opinion of the situation, topic, or whatever other shenanigan I happen to be blogging about.

The world is interesting.  People are violent and uneducated.  The rich eat imported Italian handmade pasta whereas the poor are hard-pressed to splurge on anything more than off-brand, microwaveable noodles.  There will always be topics to write about.  There will always be people eager to read.  If there is a topic that you feel could use a dose of my attention then please mention it.  You are the readers, I am the writer.

You, an audience. Me? Just a performer.

Let us do this together.


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