Pyongyang time

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So in North Korea, they have decided to turn back the time thirty minutes to create their own timezone, Pyongyang time.

It is very interesting when anyone tries to do something like this just to scream out “We are independent!” as if the world did not already know that.  An offset of thirty minutes puts the country out of sync with all surrounding countries as well as most countries in the world.  In a global era, I feel that we need to keep our times in sync as much as possible.  I would far rather it if the world as a whole adapted the GMT as the time.

Now if it is 7:50am where I live, it will be 9:20pm in North Korea.  But 8:50pm in South Korea.  I always look to the outside of things, and I understand the need to feel that your country is better than the rest or that your country is no longer oppressed; why would you want to further alienate yourself from the global economy?

Well, I suppose to the North Koreans –more specifically to leader Kim Jong Un– it makes perfect sense.  I am definitely curious how this effects businesses working in multiple areas over there.  They would need to change all computer programs to properly set the thirty minute stagger.

We will see how this plays out..


A “WalkCar” .. .. Really? Original Topic

I know we all get those days where we just do not want to walk another step.  I know I do.  My job consists of walking until my feet fall off.  Then walking some more.

I am not quite sure what sparked the idea in this guy’s head to make something so portable, but this is definitely something you would expect to see on a Sci-Fi movie premier.  I am deeply intrigued with this, though I just don’t see it being useful outside of large cities due to the lack of concrete to ride it on.

The issue I find with riding it in big cities is that it runs about six miles per hour.  Most people will be riding it and texting I am sure, as I seldom even pass anyone on the road that is not texting and driving.  So, hypothetically, someone is riding through a crowd at that speed and someone else is going through the same crowd at the same speed heading towards one another.  At this point I foresee a twelve mile per hour collision occurring with no way to react last minute.  Handlebars? Doable.  Moving forward on a tiny little pad barely bigger than my feet?

I will definitely keep looking at this one, though.  The thought intrigues me though the price tag is a bit daunting for those who would use it I think.  I could foresee it picking up in colleges around the world once people began to become accustomed to them, though I expect that the $800 price tag would be a bit rough for many college students.

I am also quite curious to see what will happen in the locations that specifically have signs forbidding “skateboards, scooters, skates, and bicycles.”  To me, this has less control that a skateboard but definitely resembles it.

Keeping tabs on it!


An Introduction of Sorts…

A brief, yet semi-conclusive, outlook on what I hope for this to achieve in the future — be it millennia from now or just a few days.

I am rather opinionated, as are most people.  The difference is that I can talk about anything, explain anything(or try!), or even argue for anything.  No matter the situation, I try to see from other perspectives and come forth with what I feel to be a fair opinion of the situation, topic, or whatever other shenanigan I happen to be blogging about.

The world is interesting.  People are violent and uneducated.  The rich eat imported Italian handmade pasta whereas the poor are hard-pressed to splurge on anything more than off-brand, microwaveable noodles.  There will always be topics to write about.  There will always be people eager to read.  If there is a topic that you feel could use a dose of my attention then please mention it.  You are the readers, I am the writer.

You, an audience. Me? Just a performer.

Let us do this together.
