A “WalkCar” .. .. Really?

Americans.org Original Topic

I know we all get those days where we just do not want to walk another step.  I know I do.  My job consists of walking until my feet fall off.  Then walking some more.

I am not quite sure what sparked the idea in this guy’s head to make something so portable, but this is definitely something you would expect to see on a Sci-Fi movie premier.  I am deeply intrigued with this, though I just don’t see it being useful outside of large cities due to the lack of concrete to ride it on.

The issue I find with riding it in big cities is that it runs about six miles per hour.  Most people will be riding it and texting I am sure, as I seldom even pass anyone on the road that is not texting and driving.  So, hypothetically, someone is riding through a crowd at that speed and someone else is going through the same crowd at the same speed heading towards one another.  At this point I foresee a twelve mile per hour collision occurring with no way to react last minute.  Handlebars? Doable.  Moving forward on a tiny little pad barely bigger than my feet?

I will definitely keep looking at this one, though.  The thought intrigues me though the price tag is a bit daunting for those who would use it I think.  I could foresee it picking up in colleges around the world once people began to become accustomed to them, though I expect that the $800 price tag would be a bit rough for many college students.

I am also quite curious to see what will happen in the locations that specifically have signs forbidding “skateboards, scooters, skates, and bicycles.”  To me, this has less control that a skateboard but definitely resembles it.

Keeping tabs on it!
